Hello and welcome!

I'm John, a software engineer with 6+ years of experience at companies like Meta, American Express, and venture funded startups like Skiplagged and Kustomer.

Since you're here, I'm assuming you either want tutoring or mentorship, or are just taking a look! Either way, welcome to my home on the internet.

john chen

What do you need help with?

You're learning computer science and it started off great, but now the material is going too fast and you don't get what's going on anymore.

How I can help: Computer science requires a strong foundation, but once you have that foundation, you can learn almost any of it by yourself. I'll help you by identifying what you are getting confused by, and coming up with exercises and examples for you to learn by doing.

About me

Knowing how to code has transformed my life.

It's provided me abundant career opportunities. It's allowed me to meet some of my best friends. And it may be the most powerful tool for creation we have today.

All the instructors and resources I've ever learned from gave me one of the biggest gifts I could have ever received, and I want to be able to give that gift to the future generation of engineers too.

Here's why I think I would be a good tutor or mentor for you.

  • You would be getting helped by someone with real experience in the real world solving real problems at top companies like Meta and American Express. You can trust that what I teach you is up to date and highly applicable to a real job setting.
  • kustomer-hackathon
    Me giving a presentation at Kustomer
  • I've built applications used by hundreds of millions of people.
  • I also have many years of real teaching experience.
    • After graduating from Fullstack Academy, I was chosen to be a Teaching Assistant and help teach the next class for 3 months.
    • In 2021, I was a Volunteer Instructor for Code Nation, where I helped teach NYC public high school students how to code after school over 9 months. By the end, they were able to create their own interactive websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • For 2 years, I taught SAT test prep at a private cram school.

Getting in touch

You can contact me through this Google Form! Talk soon!
